Some Important Computer Questions For Rajasthan Patwari Exams
Rajasthan patwari computer questions
Ques. : 1 Connection or link to other documents or sites that contain related information is named
1) dialÂup
2) electronic commerce
3) hyperlink
4) eÂcash
5) name
Ans.) 3
Ques. : 2 Microsoft’s Messanger allows users to
1) bypass a browser to surf the online
2) create a blog
3) communicate via direct live communication
4) identify and eliminate spam
5) make a graphic presentation
Ans.) 3
Ques. : 3 personal computers, also referred to as laptop pc, weighing between 4 and 10 pounds is named
1) generalÂpurpose application
2) Internet
3) scanner
4) pc
5) None of those
Ans.) 4
Ques. : 4 the most circuitÂboard of the system unit is that the
1) computer virus
2) control unit
3) motherboard
4) RAM
5) None of those
Ans.) 3
Ques. : 5 Where are you likely to seek out an embedded operating system?
1) On a desktop OS
2) on a networked PC
3) on a network server
4) on a PDA
5) None of those
Ans.) 4
Ques. : 6 Manipulating data to make information is understood as
1) Feedback
2) Programming
3) Processing
4) Analysis
5) None of those
Ans.) 3
Ques. : 7 A compiler translates higherÂlevel programs into a machine language program, which is named
1) ASCII text file
2) code
3) compiled code
4) beta code
5) None of those
Ans.) 1
Ques. : 8 What contains the pc BIOS and maintains its data with the utilization of A battery for periods when the system is powered down?
2) RAM
4) CPU
5) None of those
Ans.) 1
Ques. : 9 Something which has easilyÂunderstood instructions in said to be
1) user friendly
2) information
3) data processing
4) icon
5) None of those
Ans.) 1
Ques. : 10 what's the output?
1) What the processor takes from the user.
2) What the user gives to the processor.
3) What the processor rejects.
4) What the processor gives to the user.
5) None of those
Ans.) 4
Ques. : 11 A repair for a known software bug, usually available at no charge on the web , is named a(n)
1) version
2) patch
3) tutorial
4) FAQ
5) None of those
Ans.) 2
Ques. : 12 regards to each file on a disk is stored during a
1) file allocation table
2) root allocation table
3) linking directory
4) root directory
5) None of those
Ans.) 1
Ques. : 13 Only ________program(s) remain(s) active albeit we will open many programs at a time.
1) one
2) two
3) three
4) four
5) None of those
Ans.) 1
Ques. : 14 When the margins on both the edges are straight and equal, then there's ________in the document.
1) full justification
2) full alignment
3) left justification
4) right justification
5) None of those
Ans.) 1
Ques. : 15 the first goal of a computer is to show data into
1) ideas
2) suggestions
3) information
4) reports
5) None of those
Ans.) 3
Ques. : 16 what's the most folder on a memory device called?
1) Platform
2) Interface
3) Root directory
4) driver
5) None of those
Ans.) 3
Ques. : 17 If you receive and eÂmail from someone you don’t know, what do you have to do?
1) Forward it to the Police immediately
2) Delete it without opening it
3) Open it and answer him/her
4) Reply and seek their identity
5) None of those
Ans.) 2
Ques. : 18 Computer ___________is whatever is typed, submitted or transmitted to a computing system .
1) input
2) output
3) data
4) circuitry
5) None of those
Ans.) 1
Ques. : 19 computer graphics wont to introduce slides during a presentation are called
1) effects
2) custom animation
3) transition
4) animation
5) None of those
Ans.) 3
Ques. : 20 Computers send and receive data within the sort of ________ signals.
1) analog
2) digital
3) modulated
4) demodulated
5) All the above
Ans.) 2
Ques. : 21 Most World Wide sites contain commands within the language
1) NIH
2) URL
4) IRC
5) None of those
Ans.) 3
Ques. : 22 that they're graphical objects wont to represent commonly used applications.
1) GUI
2) Drivers
3) Windows
4) Applications
5) Icons
Ans.) 5
Ques. : 23 Computers connected to a LAN can
1) run faster
2) go browsing
3) share information and/or share peripheral
4) eÂmail equipment
5) None of those
Ans.) 3
Ques. : 24 Whenever you've got to offer space between the 2 words while typing on a PC we've to press a key referred to as
1) Backspace 2) Shift
3) Control 4) Escape
5) key
Ans.) 5
Ques. : 25 auxiliary storage
1) doesn't require constant power
2) doesn't use magnetic media
3) consists of four main sorts of devices
4) doesn't store information for later retrieval
5) None of those
Ans.) 1
Ques. : 26 the primary computers were programmed using
1) programming language
2) machine language
3) spaghetti code
4) ASCII text file
5) None of those
Ans.) 2
Ques. : 27 Which of the subsequent functions isn't performed by the servers?
1) eÂmail processing
2) Database sharing
3) Processing websites
4) Storage
5) data processing
Ans.) 5
Ques. : 28 the first step controls a client’s computer resources.
1) application 2) instruction set
3) OS 4) server application
5) None of those
Ans.) 3
Ques. : 29 the web allows you to
1) send eÂmail
2) view sites
3) hook up with servers all around the world
4) All the above
5) None of those
Ans.) 4
Ques. : 30 What quite a software would you presumably use to stay track of a billing account?
1) data processing
2) Electronic publishing
3) Spreadsheet
4) Web authoring
5) None of those
Ans.) 3
Ques. : 31 Text and graphics that are cut or copied are stored in a neighborhood called the
1) Posterboard
2) Copyboard
3) Clipboard
4) Cutting board
5) None of those
Ans.) 3
Ques. : 32 Which of the subsequent is an example of a storage device?
1) magnetic disc
2) Tapes
3) DVDs
4) All of those
5) None of those
Ans.) 4
Ques. : 33 The ________file format may be a method to encoding pictures on a computer.
3) FTP 4) URL
5) DOC
Ans.) 2
Ques. : 34 what's the method of copying software programs from auxiliary storage media to the hard disc called?
1) configuration
2) download
3) storage
4) upload
5) installation
Ans.) 5
Ques. : 35 The property that, when classes are arranged during a hierarchy, each class assumes the attributes and methods of its ancestors is
1) Inheritance
2) generalization
3) encapsulation
4) information hiding
5) None of those
Ans.) 1
Ques. : 36 The software component of an expert system that pulls conclusions is that the ___________.
1) interface
2) database
3) inference engine
4) I/O controller
5) None of those
Ans.) 3
Ques. : 37 The attributes and methods for every object are stored in
1) an object instance
2) an object connection
3) an assembly structure
4) an object repository
5) None of those
Ans.) 4
Ques. : 38 what's backup?
1) Adding more components to your network
2) Protecting data by copying it from the first
source to a special destination
3) Filtering old data from the new data
4) Accessing data on tape
5) None of those
Ans.) 2
Ques. : 39 Which of the subsequent is true?
1) A byte may be a single digit during a binary number.
2) a touch represents a gaggle of digital numbers.
3) EightÂdigit binary number is named a byte.
4) EightÂdigit binary number is named a touch.
5) None of those
Ans.) 3
Ques. : 40 A _______is an organized collection of knowledge a few single entities.
1) file
2) library
3) database
4) dictionary
5) None of those
Ans.) 1
Ques. : 41 Hardware devices that aren't a part of the most computing system and are often added later to the system are
1) computer graphics
2) highlights
3) execute
4) peripherals
5) None of those
Ans.) 4
Ques. : 42 The entirety of the resulting are tests of genuine security and protection dangers aside from
1) hackers
2) spam
3) viruses
4) fraud
5) None of those
Ans.) 2
Ques. : 43 Moving a symbol on the work area is named as
1) double-clicking
2) highlighting
3) dragging
4) pointing
5) None of those
Ans.) 3
Ques. : 44 A MODEM is associated in the middle of a phone line and a
1) Computer
2) Printer
3) Speaker
4) Microphone
5) Network
Ans.) 1
Ques. : 45 The blinking symbol which indicates subsequent character will appear at which place, is called
1) Delete key
2) command key
3) Cursor
4) return
5) None of those
Ans.) 3
Ques. : 46 The showcased bar that rundowns all the open organizers and dynamic applications is
1) Menu bar
2) Toolbar
3) Taskbar
4) Window list
5) None of those
Ans.) 3
Ques. : 47 an outsized space common in most of the Windows which is displayed at the background of the Windows main icon screen, is called
1) Application view
2) Work area
3) Project view
4) Toolbar
5) None of those
Ans.) 2
Ques. : 48 A photograph, image or the other visual file which is displayed at the rear ground of the windows main icon screen, is called
1) Wall Paper
2) design
3) Windows Theme
4) Active Desktop
5) None of those
Ans.) 1
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