UPSC IAS 2020 Exam: Complete 30 Days Study Plan to score high in Prelims with Online Preparation

 UPSC IAS 2020 Study Plan: Get here complete 30 Days Study Plan and time table to score high in the UPSC IAS Prelims 2020 which will now be held on 4th October. The UPSC IAS Civil Services 2020 selection process involves Prelims Exam, Mains Exam and Interview. Get here online preparation strategy.

Important topics for UPSC IAS Prelims 2020: The Union Public Service Commission will conduct the UPSC IAS Prelims 2020 exam on 4 October 2020. Candidates who have applied for the UPSC Civil Services Recruitment 2020 will be required to sit for the IAS Prelims exam. It is the right time for the candidates to work on the most important Current Affairs topic to ace the IAS Prelims Exam 2020. Here we have prepared a crisp and useful list of current affairs topics. If you cover the listed topics, it is certain that you will get hold of the latest happenings and developments.

Current Affairs forms the major part of the IAS Prelims General Studies (I) paper. As per the UPSC IAS Previous Years Paper 2019, the difficulty level of the Current Affairs questions asked in the exam was â€˜Moderate to Difficult’ level. It is highly expected that the same trend will be seen in UPSC IAS Prelims 2020 exam.

Let's first have a look at the UPSC IAS Prelims Exam Pattern that will help you understand the study plan given below:


No. of Questions

Total Marks

Time Duration

Paper I: General Studies



2 Hours

Paper II: General Studies (CSAT)



2 Hours


  • The exam is held offline in Pen n Paper mode; candidates need to mark their answers in OMR Sheet.
  • Questions will be asked in Objective - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) format
  • GS Paper II (CSAT) is Qualifying in nature; Candidates need to score just 33 percent marks to qualify this paper
  • PwD-blind category candidates are given 20 minutes extra to attempt each paper
  • There is Negative Marking of 1/3rd marks for each wrong answer marked by the candidates

30 Days Study Plan for UPSC IAS Prelims 2020 Exam

Now that you are familiar with the exam pattern and syllabus of the UPSC IAS 2020 Exam, go through the concrete study plan below and start working on it. The Study Plan can be moderated on the basis of your weak and strong areas; for this you need to analyse the topics of UPSC IAS Syllabus. So, have a look at the study plan for both papers of UPSC IAS Prelims Exam:

30 Days Study Plan for UPSC IAS 2020 Exam (Prelims)

30 Days

Papers & Subjects of UPSC IAS Prelims 2020 Exam

GS Paper I

(40 Marks)

GS Paper I

(30 Marks)

GS Paper II (CSAT)

Day 1

Ancient History of India

Physical Geography

Percentage & Reading Comprehensions - English/Hindi

Day 2

Medieval History of India

Human Geography

Number System & Alphabetical and Number Series

Day 3

Modern History 1857 to 1947

Economic Geography

Ratio and Proportion  & Coding and Decoding and Mathematical operations

Day 4

Indian National Movement

World Geography

Time, Speed and Distance & Syllogism and Venn Diagram

Day 5

Revise all History & Geography Topics prepared in first four Days

Day 6

Union Executives

Basic Principles of Indian Economy

Time and Work, Mixture & Alligation & Blood Relationship

Day 7

State Executives

Social Schemes of Government

Average, Problems based on Ages & Seating Arrangements

Day 8

Federalism in India

Social Development

Data Interpretation (Bar Graphs, Charts and Table) & English/Hindi Comprehension

Day 9

Judicial System

Economic Empowerment

Simple and Compound Interest, Ranking & Direction Sense

Day 10

Go through Current Affairs - Check UPSC IAS Current Affairs Topics

Revise Polity & Economic topics prepared from Day 6 to Day 9

Day 11

Panchayati Raj


Profit and Loss, Discount & English Language Comprehension

Day 12

Environment and Ecology - General Principles

General Science - General Principles Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Technology

Algebra & Statement and Conclusions

Day 13

Climate Change, Climate Summits and Conferences

Current Affairs

Decimals, Fractions, LCM and HCF & Statement – Arguments and Assumptions

Day 14

Latest Science and Technological Development

Current Affairs with all Dimensions

Data Interpretation (Bar Graphs, Charts and Table) & English/Hindi Grammar & Vocabulary

Day 15

Check UPSC IAS Important Current Affairs Questions

Revise General Science & Environment-Ecology Topics

Day 16

Global Warming

Union Budget 2020

Geometry & Syllogism and Venn Diagram

Day 17

Economic Survey 2019-20

British Expansion in India

Mensuration & Analogy and Classification

Day 18

Making of the Constitution, Constituent Assembly

Judicial Appointments

Elementary Statistics & Alphabetical and Number Series

Day 19

Earth and the Universe

Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Data Interpretation (Bar Graphs, Charts and Table) & Puzzles

Day 20

Practice UPSC IAS Previous Year Papers

Revise Indian Polity & Science Subjects

Day 21

Advent of European Powers

Revise Current Affairs

Percentage & Blood Relationship

Day 22

Study Important Topics from Science & Technology Section

Ratio and Proportion & Seating Arrangements

Day 23

Modern India History Topics

Indian Constitution

Average & Coding and Decoding and Mathematical operations

Day 24

Recent Schemes launched by PM Modi & Indian Government

Recent developments in field of sports, science, environment, culture

Data Interpretation (Bar Graphs, Charts and Table) & English Fillers, Para Jumbles, Comprehension

Day 25

Practice UPSC IAS CSAT Previous Year Paper

Day 26

Revise Environment & Ecology Subject

Practice General Science Questions for IAS Prelims

Algebra & Direction Sense and Ranking

Day 27

Revise Indian Polity Subject

Profit and Loss, Discount & Statement – Arguments, Assumptions, Conclusions

Day 28

Revise Geography Subject

Revise History Subject

Time, Speed and Distance & Syllogism and Venn Diagram

Day 29

Revise Current Affairs Topics

Revise Indian Economy Topics

Revise Maths, Reasoning & English/Hndi Comprehension

Day 30

Practice UPSC IAS Previous Year Papers

This Study Plan will surely help you achieve high score in the UPSC IAS Prelims exam. The plan covers almost each and every subject and topic that have high chances to be asked in the exam. Also, we have shared the links of previous year papers that candidates should practice definitely. Candidates can also alter the study plan on the basis of their preparations to ace this exam.

Now, have a look at the important points which candidates should take care of while following the above study plan or their own strategy to crack the IAS exam:

- The study plan is well-constructed and can be followed easily.

- Make your own timetable to implement the study plan, this will help you in devoting the maximum time judiciously.

- The most important thing that candidates should follow while undertaking this study plan is to MAKE NOTES. Candidates should begin making notes as soon as they start studying as per the plan.

- Remember, each topic is necessary and should not be skipped.

- Take proper breaks and intervals to ensure that the preparations do not get dull or overwhelming.

- Follow a proper healthy diet and take proper sleep - this would ensure that your energies are intact.

- This study plan is just like a suggestion, you can modify it or change it as per your preparation level.

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