Why it is important to solve the previous year's paper and Mock test series?

Why it is important to solve the previous year's paper and Mock test series? 

Why it is important to solve the previous year's paper and Mock test series?

Any preparation article, be it from an expert or a topper, is incomplete without the mention of NEET previous years question papers and mock tests. This often leaves candidates wondering why it's important to unravel the NEET question papers of previous years and mock tests. There are many reasons why experts and toppers emphasize solving these during the preparatory phase. this text will assist you to understand why it's important to unravel the question papers of previous years and mock tests for NEET 2020.

NEET 2020: Why is it important to unravel the question papers of previous years and mock tests?

Understanding the Exam Pattern

When it involves understanding the exam pattern there's no better guide than the question papers of the previous years. they assist you to understand the sort of questions that will be asked from a subject in NEET 2020. An in-depth analysis of the question papers also will assist you to judge which topics are important with reference to NEET. 

Time Management and Speed

According to the exam pattern of NEET, you've got to unravel 180 questions in 3 hours (180 minutes), which means that you simply get just one minute per question. to aim the utmost number of questions on the exam day, you would like to realize this speed. NEET question papers of previous years and mock tests are designed to be solved during a duration of three hours. Setting a timer while solving these will assist you to achieve this speed.


Solving NEET question papers and mock tests won't only assist you with time management but also will help improve your speed and accuracy. you'll be ready to solve 10 questions in 10 minutes, but what percentage of those are correct? to urge good results, you want to achieve accuracy and considerable speed.


It is not uncommon for candidates to feel nervous or anxious before or during the examination. But, consistent with the exam day experiences shared by various candidates, candidates who have solved NEET question papers of previous years and mock tests feel confident as compared to those that relied only on books.

Prepare you for love or money and everything

During the initial stages of preparation, a candidate sticks to solving the question papers of previous years and a couple of basic mock tests. As you progress, you're advised to aim for mock tests of intermediate and advanced difficulty levels. Mock tests of varying difficulty levels prepare a candidate for nearly any question. this may assist you on the day of the examination and you'll not be overwhelmed by the NEET 2020 question paper.

Preparation Analysis & Performance Evaluation

Solving the question papers and mock tests on your own also will assist you to analyze your preparation. After every mock test, spend a while analyzing the results. Your preparation could also be rock solid and you'll have read everything, but there'll be questions/ topics which prevent you from getting an ideal score. Analyzing the results of mock tests will assist you to strengthen these areas and can help improve your performance on the exam day.

Students must take as many mock tests as possible before they seem for NEET 2020. NEET Online Course helps the candidates in gauging their preparation and performance. It also gives them an understanding of the sort of questions that will be asked within the exam. 

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